Introduction: The Path to the NH35

The NH35 movement didn’t simply appear overnight. It was the result of a long and meticulous process of development and innovation within Seiko Instruments Inc. Understanding the timeline of the NH35 allows us to appreciate the milestones and historical context that shaped this iconic movement.


1960s: A Quest for Precision

  • Early Exploration: The 1960s marked a period of exploration for Seiko, focusing on precision and automation in watch movements.
  • Pioneering Innovations: Breakthroughs in automatic winding and timekeeping accuracy laid the groundwork for future developments.


1970s: Laying the Foundations

  • Introduction of Seminal Movements: Key movements introduced in this era served as the basis for the design philosophy that would eventually lead to the NH35.
  • Global Expansion: Seiko’s reputation grew globally, leading to a broader influence in watchmaking technology.


1980s and 1990s: Refinement and Expansion

  • Technical Refinements: Continual improvements in movement design, focusing on efficiency, accuracy, and reliability.
  • Adoption Across Brands: Seiko’s movements began to find their way into various watch brands, marking a shift in the industry.


2000s: Towards a New Era

  • Introduction of the Caliber 4R35: The launch of the Caliber 4R35 set the stage for the NH35, sharing many features and design elements.
  • Emphasis on Accessibility: A move towards making quality movements accessible to a broader range of watchmakers and enthusiasts.


2011: Birth of the NH35 Movement

  • Launch of the NH35: Building on the success of previous models, the NH35 was introduced as an unbranded variant of the Caliber 4R35.
  • Immediate Success: The movement quickly gained traction for its reliability, affordability, and adaptability.


Today: The Continuing Legacy of the NH35

  • Widespread Adoption: From boutique brands to well-established manufacturers, the NH35 is now a staple in the watch industry.
  • Ongoing Innovations: Constant refinement ensures that the NH35 remains relevant and continues to meet the demands of modern watchmaking.


Conclusion: A Timeline of Excellence

The timeline of the NH35 movement is a testament to Seiko’s commitment to innovation, quality, and accessibility. From its early roots in the 1960s to its current status as a cornerstone movement, the NH35’s journey is a rich tapestry of milestones that have shaped both the movement itself and the broader landscape of horology.

Understanding the NH35’s timeline provides insights into the decisions, challenges, and successes that have contributed to its enduring popularity. It’s a story of persistence, creativity, and the pursuit of excellence that continues to resonate with watch enthusiasts, makers, and collectors alike.


Click to Continue: Chapter 3 – Key Developments